Monday, June 8, 2009

Two months till Orientation in Akron, PA

I can't believe that in two months I'll be in Akron, PA along with all of the 59 other SALTer, 68 IVEPers, and 12 YAMENs for our one week orientation. I am very excited and nervous.
This past few days, I've been really busy working on my work visa, other paper work, and getting my shot's done. A requirement for my work visa to South Africa, I needed to get a chest x-ray and have a paper signed by the radiologist. I think I may have raised a few eyebrows in my local doctors clinic and the x-ray department at the hospital with that request. I guess the only reason they would issue chest x-rays if the TB skin test came back positive, but it is a requirement for the visa form, and so I got one done. Just to let you know, my TB skin test was negative, which I expected. Phew!
Other things that I've continued to do is read, read and more reading. I am currently reading two books, or maybe it's three books or four? lol Oh, dear better make sure I get them read before I leave. But the two I've been really focusing on are the autobiography of Nelson Mandela called Long Walk to Freedom and the other one is called 28: Stories of Aids in Africa. So far they have been interesting.
On June 23, I'm going to be meeting most of the other Ontario SALTer's at the Kitchener office. I'm excited to be meeting them and so it won't be all new faces when we reach Akron Pa in two months. There are 8 of us in total from Ontario, and I think either 13 or 14 of us Canadian SALTer's in total and the rest from the US.
One thing I did learn today is my flight itinerary to SA from Akron, Pa. I'll be on three different flights to get there. My longest flight length is a whopping 15 hrs long. Ouch, I guess I'll be doing some sleeping during that time. In total, my fly travel time is about 20hrs long. Ouch once again :) :(
Anyways there are things I need to do, so I'm signing off now.

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