Sunday, June 28, 2009

Interesting Facts about South Africa

Quick and Interesting Facts About South Africa
Did You Know?

1. South Africa has 11 official languages from A - Z: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swati, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu.
2. The Population is approximately 45 million
3. South Africa is five times the size of Japan and three times the size of Texas or the size of Spain and France together.
4. South Africa has deserts, mountains, escarpments, plateaus, grasslands, bush, wetlands and subtropical forests
5. South Africa enjoys one of the world's highest average daily hours of sunshine 8.5 compared with 3.8 in London, 6.4 in Rome and 6.9 in New York. The weather is famously excellent, mostly warm dry and sunny.
6. South Africa is rated in the top five in the world in supplying safe, drinkable tap water.
7. South Africa is the second largest exporter of fruit in the world.
8. South Africa has the longest wine route in the world.
9. South Africa is ranked first in the world for its floral kingdom.
10. South Africa's blue sky is the second brightest in the world.
11. South Africa has the third highest level of biodiversity in the world.
12. The Lost City Resort Hotel in Sun City is the largest theme resort in the world.
13. South Africa is the only country in the world to voluntarily abandon its nuclear weapons program.
14. South Africa is among the first countries to gain Blue Flag status for some of its coastal beaches.
15. South Africa has the deepest mines in the world and commands superior skills in deep level mining.
16. South Africa is the world's top ranked gold producing country commanding more than 80% of the world's platinum reserves.
17. The highest quality cars in Europe are made in South Africa. BMW's Rosslyn plant was awarded the highly prestigious European Gold Plant Quality Award ranking it first among European plants in terms of quality.
18. The first person of African descent to win the Nobel Prize was South Africa's Zulu Chief Albert Luthuli.
19. South Africa has the only street in the world Vilakazi in the historical township of Soweto to house two Nobel Peace Prize winners - Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
20. South Africa is the leading country in having more women in the cabinet.

These Fact were found on the South African Consulate General Webpage.

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