Sunday, April 12, 2009

Accepting and Preparing my up coming SALT placement.

Welcome everybody to Kendra's African Adventure blog. I am excited to share with all of you this new adventure. Those of you who don't know, I've been trying to do something like this for a couple years, and now it's happening. I am very excited!!!! So I am going to share with you my African adventure. I invite you to read and follow along.
About a month ago I accepted a MCC SALT (Serving and Learning Together) placement in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. I'll be leaving in August for Akron, PA for a one week orientation and then off to South Africa for 11 months. What I have understood from MCC SALT co-ordinators and MCC representatives is that I will be living and working over in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Working in the MCC office and in an charity church based organization called Project Gateway. For more information, please check out my list of web links on the side.
There are many things that I am currently doing to prepare myself to live in South Africa. I'm in process of renewing my passport, setting up doctor appointments to make sure I'm healthy to go, learning what immunization shots are required, researching South Africa, and reading and watching films of the country to better familiarize myself with the country and culture. There is alot of culture there.
Well I think this is lots to write about for now.