Monday, June 1, 2009

10 1/2 weeks till Orientation

Well I can't believe it's June already. Wow!!! Just a couple more months till I'm in SA! So, my preparation continues. The other week I receive my work visa information. There are sure lots of things to submit to process for that. I was suppose to have found what I have so far fund raised last Friday, but won't find out until next week. Two weeks ago, I finally bought a web cam and had my first conversation with James and Joan Alty, who are the representatives for MCC SwaLeSa (Swaziland, Lesotho, and South Africa). They seem like a really nice couple and I can't wait to meet them in person. Actually I wish I could go to SA now, but can't, too much still to do. Drats!!
I have finally finished reading the book The Covenant, one of many suggested books from James and Joan. It was a very interesting book and I enjoyed learning about the history of South Africa and how the country was developed. I learned a lot of history, which is good and hope that this knowledge will help me understand the culture and the people better. One thing that I would suggest to the author, would be to include a map of South Africa. A map would have been very helpful.
I am now reading Long Walk to Freedom, an autobiography about Nelson Mandela, and 28 : Stories of AIDS in Africa. I've also have watched Cry Freedom, Sarafina, and a documentary of Nelson Mandela. I am learning lots.
This past Saturday, May 30, my mother and I went to the Mennonite Relief Sale in New Hamburg, where I met up with Calth Woolner and had a nice chat with her. I haven't seen her since she interview me about two years ago when I first applied.
Well I have lots more paper work to still fill out :( . And lots more to read, so I'm heading up to bed and want to read a few more pages before I'm for the night.

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