Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kombi's (Taxi's) in SA

I'm sure you all know that I'm still living with the Alty's, so this how I've been getting myself to and from work from their home; catching a ride on the Kombi (16-18 passenger taxi). The first kombi I have to flag down on the streets near their home and work is sticking my finger pointing up. Pointing my finger up means I want to go downtown to the Rank; Market Square in my case. Inside the Kombi there is the driver and another person who is hanging out the middle back window trying to drum up customers who might want a lift. That is the person who you would hand over your money to. The rank that the kombi goes to is like going to a bus station or airport where you find the next kombi you need to travel on. Hanging from the ceilings are the street locations where the kombi's travel down. I have pretty much have figure out which kombi I need to switch to now both ways (work/home). But I pretty much stick out at the rank, since I am finding myself the only white person there. And some of the kombi people are also getting to know me and where I need to be dropped off. So everytime I pick up a Kombi off the street, either after leaving home or work, I go directly to the rank and hop on another one. My first kombi cost me R 4, second kombi R 6.60, after work, usually the first kombi is R 6.60 and the next one is R 7. So a days worth of kombi's fares would cost me R 24.20 per day, which right now with the Canadian dollar would be around $3.43.

Sometimes I do get a lift to work on Fridays with the Alty's, sometimes a lift home by someone either from the school (Mrs. Bennet) or someone else from Gateway, or I have taken the adventure of walking home. Walking home is about a hours walk. But, I have to be very alert of my sourndings doing this by myself, since it is not uncommon for muggings here eek!

Signing off from PMB

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