Last month one of my fellow SwaLeSa SALTers, Simon in Lesotho, Grandfather passed away. In his blog entry as he reflected about him, he spoke about his grandfather hands, if I were to reflect on my uGogo’s hands I would have to say she had firm, gentle ones, but they were the softest of all.
Being so far from family during this difficult time has been very tough. My family have been really great and kept me up to date during her last hours of life and the funeral details. I have been very blessed by them and by God for allowing an unexpected blessing. During her final hours, she was given morphine to ease her pain, but doing so it perked her up and with that, my loving family gave me one last unexpected blessed conversation with her. It was a tough one, but I am so forever thankful to them to have been able to give her my last goodbye and an “I love you Grandma”.
So over the past two days I have been going through my mind reflecting all of my precious memories of her and here is what I complied and e-mailed home for her bulletin program.
“I have so many wonderful memories of my uGogo that it’s hard to write them all down. But if I had to pick a few, one would certainly be a childhood Christmas present where she had sewn Kimberly and I homemade Barbie clothes and I felt so tickled and special to have these wonderful clothes for my Barbie’s. But not only did she sew us Barbie clothes but also Cabbage Patch clothes, doll bedding for doll beds that Grandpa had built, clothes for us girls but she was also crafty in knitting us all wonderful warm sweaters, hat & mitten sets and beautiful crochet afghans!

One of my favourite pass time activities I spent with her was getting out her Triomino’s game. uGogo’s favourite game was Scrabble, but I enjoyed playing Triomino’s with her the best. Every time I filled in a circle of Triomino pieces she would say “You little stinker” since you earn a lot of bonus points.
Usually while we played the game I would often put on one of her Christian CD’s. uGogo, loved to sing and I also love to sing. If I could chose one of her favourite songs it would have to be “What a Friend we have in Jesus”. Another memorable memory I have of her was during a Sunday morning worship service at her church and she leaned down to me during a hymn and told me I had a beautiful voice! I can’t remember her exact words, since it was so long ago.
uGogo, was always there for us granddaughters growing up, even though she was a 35 min drive away there was nothing stopping the many phone call conversations. One particular phone call that stands out in my mind was made after I had walked unknowingly beneath a wasp nest and was stung. Mom wasn’t home at the time and Katherine’s first response was to call uGogo for treatment advice. uGogo was a very wise lady and always knew what to do in any situation.
One of the many other things that uGogo and I had in common was that we both are the youngest siblings in our families. Growing up uGogo hated being called “The Baby”. And I clearly remember one day, someone clearly called me those dreaded words. The next thing we all heard was her clearly stating “Don’t call her The Baby”! I don’t think I was called those words to my face again at least not in her presence.
uGogo loved God, and was supportive in us girls getting to know him as well. I can still remember sleepovers where we picked out a bible story and after being tucked into bed she would read us the story, and conclude with a prayer. The last day I saw her, back in July, I had a few moments where she was able to comprehend that I was leaving for a year of service with MCC’s SALT (Serving and Learning Together) program. She asked me what she could do for me, and then asked if I would like prayer. If there was a problem about something she would say “Just pray about it”. It was her and Grandpa who gave me my first violet leather bound Bible filled with pictures.
Being so far away in south Africa, during this time is very hard. I didn't anticipate this happening. Ah shucks”
So in conclusion, I thought I would like to finish off with these beautiful lyrics of one of her favourite songs:
What a Friend we Have in Jesus
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry ev’rything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry ev’rything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged take it to the Lord in prayer!
Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden, ‘cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer!
Do they friends despise, for sake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he’ll take and shield thee thou wilt find a solace there.
Grandma's Obituary
As my uGogo would say to us in departing, "Mach Gut".
Mach Gut everyone, Mach Gut!